Weekly annualized death rates. 2019, 2020/21 other deaths, and covid
Week 2019 0-24 0-24 C 0-24 2019 25-44 25-44 C 25-44 2019 45-64 45-64 C 45-64 2019 65-74 65-74 C 65-74 2019 75+ 75+ C 75+ 2019 All ages All ages C All ages
09/04 19 15 1 46 49 18 157 154 72 156 166 52 437 432 75 814 817 216
08/28 18 17 1 43 50 17 154 160 67 159 172 49 429 441 72 803 839 206
08/21 18 18 1 44 51 15 153 161 58 157 174 42 430 445 64 801 849 181
08/14 18 17 1 44 53 12 151 164 44 159 178 33 429 441 50 801 854 140
08/07 18 18 1 45 54 9 155 165 30 158 172 22 436 442 36 812 851 98
07/31 18 19 1 43 55 5 154 162 20 158 170 14 434 435 23 808 841 62
07/24 19 19 0 45 53 4 156 159 12 157 172 9 434 433 16 811 836 42
07/17 19 19 0 43 53 2 157 161 10 160 172 7 433 428 11 811 832 30
07/10 19 20 0 43 55 2 159 166 7 158 172 6 437 430 10 816 843 25
07/03 19 20 0 46 54 2 160 168 7 159 176 5 438 435 9 822 853 24
06/26 20 21 0 42 54 2 156 163 8 160 175 6 442 436 10 820 847 25
06/19 18 20 0 44 57 2 156 168 8 162 173 6 442 433 11 821 850 27
06/12 19 21 0 42 57 2 156 167 9 163 171 8 447 427 12 827 842 32
06/05 19 21 0 45 55 2 161 166 11 162 172 9 448 429 14 835 844 36
05/29 20 20 0 44 54 2 158 163 13 160 170 10 446 429 17 828 836 43
05/22 18 21 0 42 54 3 158 166 14 165 176 13 460 439 19 843 855 50
05/15 18 20 0 41 53 3 158 168 16 163 172 15 461 432 23 841 845 57
05/08 18 20 0 41 55 3 161 167 19 163 174 15 456 434 25 840 849 62
05/01 18 20 0 44 52 3 158 169 18 167 179 16 460 446 27 848 867 65
04/24 17 20 0 42 54 4 159 170 20 165 178 18 459 447 30 842 869 71
04/17 18 19 0 42 53 3 161 169 20 165 176 17 470 437 30 856 854 69
04/10 18 20 0 43 56 3 161 173 18 169 182 17 479 454 29 871 885 67
04/03 18 19 0 42 54 3 166 163 15 171 175 17 492 439 30 888 851 65
03/27 18 20 0 42 54 2 163 171 18 171 176 17 496 460 32 890 880 69
03/20 18 19 0 41 54 3 167 167 17 173 175 19 498 452 36 896 867 76
03/13 17 19 0 43 52 3 168 167 21 178 178 23 503 463 42 909 878 89
03/06 17 18 0 44 52 3 171 173 22 181 181 28 506 467 51 919 891 105
02/27 19 19 0 43 51 3 171 172 27 179 187 35 499 479 69 910 909 135
02/20 18 18 0 40 49 4 170 175 34 176 189 42 506 487 88 911 918 169
02/13 17 18 0 41 53 5 170 175 41 177 184 51 505 477 114 910 907 211
02/06 18 19 1 42 54 6 171 175 47 180 189 65 508 492 147 919 929 266
01/30 17 19 1 40 50 7 172 173 56 175 186 73 509 492 180 913 921 318
01/23 17 19 0 41 51 9 170 176 62 176 190 85 506 503 214 909 938 370
01/16 17 18 1 40 55 8 168 181 66 177 193 92 511 518 235 914 965 402
01/09 17 18 1 42 55 9 172 182 66 178 190 91 507 511 241 916 956 407
01/02 18 19 1 44 55 8 174 180 62 176 195 85 504 523 233 916 973 389
12/26 19 18 0 46 51 7 168 182 57 177 190 77 508 515 224 918 955 366
12/19 18 19 1 44 52 6 165 177 51 176 190 74 500 512 217 902 949 350
12/12 18 18 0 44 51 6 166 181 46 173 188 66 504 518 209 905 957 328
12/05 18 18 0 44 50 5 168 172 40 174 185 61 495 496 184 899 922 291
11/28 18 18 0 43 51 5 161 167 34 169 181 51 480 486 155 871 904 245
11/21 18 19 0 43 52 4 162 169 29 175 184 43 485 490 133 882 913 209
11/14 19 20 0 43 51 3 163 172 24 171 182 34 482 487 106 878 911 167
11/07 18 20 0 44 54 3 165 173 19 173 182 29 475 493 86 875 922 137
10/31 17 19 0 45 51 2 157 166 16 164 179 23 466 469 68 849 884 110
10/24 18 18 0 43 49 2 156 168 14 166 173 20 466 472 58 848 880 94
10/17 18 19 0 43 50 2 159 165 12 168 174 18 465 461 49 853 868 81
10/10 18 20 0 42 53 2 156 172 12 163 176 16 456 471 45 834 892 75
10/03 18 20 0 44 51 2 157 166 11 160 175 15 447 459 39 825 870 66
09/26 17 19 0 44 52 2 156 167 12 163 175 15 448 469 38 828 882 67
09/19 19 20 0 42 51 2 153 167 12 156 174 15 442 456 38 813 869 67
09/12 18 21 0 41 52 2 153 169 14 159 169 17 440 451 39 811 862 72
09/05 19 20 0 46 54 2 157 169 14 156 172 17 437 449 44 814 865 79
08/29 18 20 0 43 54 2 154 168 17 159 170 21 429 456 50 803 867 90
08/22 18 20 0 44 53 3 153 169 20 157 176 24 430 462 53 801 880 100
08/15 18 20 0 44 55 4 151 172 22 159 177 26 429 460 62 801 883 114
08/08 18 20 0 45 54 4 155 175 24 158 173 28 436 454 66 812 875 123
08/01 18 20 0 43 55 4 154 171 27 158 175 30 434 455 69 808 876 130
07/25 19 21 0 45 55 5 156 171 26 157 174 30 434 456 67 811 877 129
07/18 19 21 0 43 57 5 157 171 24 160 173 25 433 455 59 811 877 113
07/11 19 22 0 43 55 4 159 178 19 158 177 20 437 448 47 816 880 91
07/04 19 21 0 46 54 3 160 174 15 159 170 15 438 447 37 822 866 71
06/27 20 21 0 42 54 2 156 167 13 160 168 13 442 447 32 820 856 60
06/20 18 21 0 44 53 2 156 167 12 162 169 12 442 438 34 821 848 60
06/13 19 22 0 42 52 2 156 167 13 163 166 14 447 436 37 827 843 66
06/06 19 22 0 45 55 2 161 169 14 162 164 17 448 434 46 835 844 79
05/30 20 19 0 44 54 2 158 162 16 160 164 20 446 438 58 828 838 97
05/23 18 19 0 42 53 3 158 167 19 165 165 23 460 446 69 843 852 114
05/16 18 19 0 41 52 3 158 166 22 163 168 29 461 460 90 841 865 145
05/09 18 19 0 41 52 4 161 171 27 163 169 36 456 460 109 840 871 176
05/02 18 18 0 44 52 4 158 165 30 167 173 41 460 471 131 848 878 207
04/25 17 19 0 42 50 4 159 169 39 165 173 48 459 502 152 842 914 244
04/18 18 17 0 42 48 6 161 169 44 165 179 56 470 520 163 856 934 269
04/11 18 19 0 43 51 7 161 178 48 169 191 57 479 544 144 871 983 256
04/04 18 17 0 42 48 6 166 179 34 171 189 37 492 541 81 888 974 159
03/28 18 18 0 42 47 3 163 170 11 171 180 11 496 521 25 890 937 50
03/21 18 18 0 41 47 0 167 169 2 173 183 2 498 501 5 896 918 9
03/14 17 18 0 43 46 0 168 169 0 178 184 0 503 501 1 909 918 1
03/07 17 18 0 44 47 0 171 173 0 181 185 0 506 512 0 919 934 1
02/29 19 19 0 43 46 0 171 172 0 179 184 0 499 509 0 910 929 0
02/22 18 17 0 40 46 0 170 170 0 176 181 0 506 508 0 911 923 0
02/15 17 18 0 41 45 0 170 170 0 177 182 0 505 506 0 910 921 0
02/08 18 19 0 42 45 0 171 174 0 180 182 0 508 512 0 919 932 0
02/01 17 18 0 40 44 0 172 170 0 175 183 0 509 507 0 913 922 0

This data is from death certificates to CDC which can be delayed 1 to 8 weeks. Left off 4 weeks, but last weeks shown for 2020/21 are likely still incomplete. Updated weekly at CDC on Wednesday; here, Thursday.

Detailed age table and excess death %s
Only weeks in virus period are included, i.e. after 3/14/20 thru 4 weeks ago. "Other causes" are from 2020/21, xtra% compares to corresponding 2019 weeks4
0-1y 1-4y 5-14y 15-24y 25-34y 35-44y 45-54y 55-64y 65-74y 75-84y 85+y All ages 65- 74 % of D 75+ % of D
7dD/100k annualized
Oth in all pop 5.75 1.06 1.69 11 22 31 53 119 179 212 258 893
Cvd in all pop 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.28 1.24 3.1 7.97 18 31 37 39 137
Within age group
Oth in age grp 481 22 14 85 159 244 423 918 1,865 4,365 12,789 893
Cvd in age grp 2.0 0.24 0.24 2.19 8.86 24 64 143 321 754 1,923 137
Stats w-in age
Pop (M) 3.92 15.66 40.99 42.69 45.93 41.65 40.88 42.44 31.49 15.97 6.61 328.23
% died other 0.712 0.033 0.02 0.125 0.236 0.361 0.626 1.36 2.761 6.463 18.937 1.322
% from covid 0.003 0.0 0.0 0.003 0.013 0.036 0.095 0.212 0.475 1.117 2.848 0.203
%xtra dths cvd 0.4 1.1 1.8 2.6 5.6 10.0 15.1 15.6 17.2 17.3 15.0 15.4
%xtra dths this yr -> -> -> 8.0 -> 32.4 -> 21.9 25.1 16.3 <- 19.7
Death Counts
Other Causes 27,923 5,132 8,237 53,574 108,328 150,549 255,804 577,003 869,489 1,032,158 1,251,730 4,339,927
Covid Deaths 116 55 147 1,382 6,023 15,062 38,751 89,834 149,619 178,327 188,235 667,551
2019 Deaths -> -> -> 89,453 -> 211,397 -> 788,430 814,560 2,279,359 <- 4,183,199
Covid -> -> -> 1,700 -> 21,085 -> 128,585 149,619 366,562 <- 667,551
Other vs 2019 -> -> -> 5,413 -> 47,480 -> 44,377 54,929 4,529 <- 156,728
Cvd dths per Week
2021-09-04 4 2 4 60 320 812 1,742 2,823 3,290 2,813 1,944 13,814 24 34
2021-08-28 3 3 3 66 303 778 1,611 2,659 3,160 2,727 1,868 13,181 24 35
2021-08-21 5 1 5 63 308 670 1,413 2,315 2,667 2,365 1,725 11,537 23 35
2021-08-14 5 1 4 68 240 554 1,078 1,722 2,091 1,806 1,389 8,958 23 36
2021-08-07 1 2 7 35 167 403 756 1,190 1,401 1,296 976 6,234 22 36
2021-07-31 2 0 2 29 101 216 462 798 906 817 638 3,971 23 37
2021-07-24 2 1 2 24 64 174 290 496 606 561 466 2,686 23 38
2021-07-17 1 0 1 10 34 100 207 402 447 421 311 1,934 23 38
2021-07-10 0 0 0 8 25 71 184 289 373 373 281 1,604 23 41
2021-07-03 1 1 1 4 30 69 157 311 349 307 273 1,503 23 39
2021-06-26 2 0 0 4 30 76 161 329 367 362 269 1,600 23 39
2021-06-19 1 0 0 5 28 85 194 331 413 369 320 1,746 24 39
2021-06-12 0 2 0 6 27 82 195 408 535 437 322 2,014 27 38
2021-06-05 2 2 3 9 32 70 234 486 595 529 357 2,319 26 38
2021-05-29 0 1 1 11 32 105 256 559 660 657 457 2,739 24 41
2021-05-22 1 1 2 21 58 115 301 615 852 681 544 3,191 27 38
2021-05-15 3 0 1 20 57 133 310 693 948 842 635 3,642 26 41
2021-05-08 2 0 1 11 72 138 349 839 973 857 713 3,955 25 40
2021-05-01 0 1 2 12 59 127 361 797 1,052 945 777 4,133 25 42
2021-04-24 3 3 5 16 78 158 403 856 1,132 1,061 840 4,555 25 42
2021-04-17 1 0 0 11 60 140 395 865 1,063 1,037 849 4,421 24 43
2021-04-10 3 1 2 7 53 143 353 775 1,072 1,032 839 4,280 25 44
2021-04-03 2 1 3 11 46 121 297 688 1,104 1,030 868 4,171 26 46
2021-03-27 1 1 2 10 44 111 331 813 1,100 1,116 907 4,436 25 46
2021-03-20 2 0 2 12 44 144 332 776 1,237 1,294 1,033 4,876 25 48
2021-03-13 1 0 0 9 44 119 381 962 1,486 1,410 1,277 5,689 26 47
2021-03-06 1 0 2 10 62 133 411 1,020 1,782 1,792 1,482 6,695 27 49
2021-02-27 2 1 1 23 46 157 510 1,238 2,248 2,408 1,988 8,622 26 51
2021-02-20 1 0 1 14 87 176 552 1,645 2,706 2,946 2,664 10,792 25 52
2021-02-13 1 0 2 22 75 231 725 1,899 3,270 3,749 3,499 13,473 24 54
2021-02-06 2 2 4 24 98 259 830 2,202 4,143 4,813 4,599 16,976 24 55
2021-01-30 1 0 6 32 130 347 988 2,611 4,654 5,757 5,753 20,279 23 57
2021-01-23 0 0 2 25 174 391 1,059 2,915 5,445 6,803 6,827 23,641 23 58
2021-01-16 3 0 4 32 160 373 1,121 3,124 5,858 7,337 7,665 25,677 23 58
2021-01-09 2 3 4 32 168 404 1,178 3,015 5,799 7,425 7,929 25,959 22 59
2021-01-02 5 1 4 38 152 376 1,114 2,832 5,448 6,973 7,887 24,830 22 60
2020-12-26 3 1 4 22 113 349 1,023 2,608 4,922 6,693 7,622 23,360 21 61
2020-12-19 1 2 0 29 125 279 907 2,355 4,755 6,320 7,548 22,321 21 62
2020-12-12 1 1 2 25 92 272 790 2,155 4,210 6,046 7,327 20,921 20 64
2020-12-05 3 2 2 16 86 237 701 1,877 3,884 5,486 6,266 18,560 21 63
2020-11-28 0 0 3 21 79 222 542 1,614 3,245 4,563 5,330 15,619 21 63
2020-11-21 3 1 2 16 74 172 481 1,372 2,740 3,926 4,568 13,355 21 64
2020-11-14 1 0 1 10 57 136 425 1,108 2,159 3,164 3,586 10,647 20 63
2020-11-07 2 1 2 9 51 125 339 862 1,861 2,601 2,902 8,755 21 63
2020-10-31 1 0 3 12 41 117 279 743 1,476 2,045 2,305 7,022 21 62
2020-10-24 2 0 1 6 33 89 249 640 1,248 1,712 2,015 5,995 21 62
2020-10-17 0 0 0 4 30 75 207 588 1,134 1,466 1,694 5,198 22 61
2020-10-10 1 0 1 8 29 78 220 575 1,049 1,398 1,458 4,817 22 59
2020-10-03 2 0 1 6 33 75 204 481 977 1,155 1,307 4,241 23 58
2020-09-26 1 0 1 5 31 86 221 534 968 1,175 1,277 4,299 23 57
2020-09-19 0 0 1 8 33 72 200 540 984 1,171 1,267 4,276 23 57
2020-09-12 4 0 1 13 41 106 261 640 1,066 1,240 1,254 4,626 23 54
2020-09-05 0 0 1 11 35 99 254 668 1,112 1,429 1,406 5,015 22 57
2020-08-29 0 0 1 12 38 104 288 793 1,342 1,533 1,636 5,747 23 55
2020-08-22 1 2 2 18 53 126 390 886 1,502 1,683 1,720 6,383 24 53
2020-08-15 1 2 0 21 58 172 423 1,009 1,632 1,996 1,946 7,260 22 54
2020-08-08 0 1 3 15 64 179 474 1,088 1,813 2,157 2,072 7,866 23 54
2020-08-01 2 0 5 21 62 200 505 1,190 1,940 2,211 2,166 8,302 23 53
2020-07-25 0 0 3 26 86 223 523 1,153 1,940 2,171 2,117 8,242 24 52
2020-07-18 1 0 2 23 101 198 465 1,042 1,610 1,833 1,917 7,192 22 52
2020-07-11 3 1 3 23 73 206 375 853 1,273 1,488 1,487 5,785 22 51
2020-07-04 2 0 2 21 71 149 326 641 978 1,091 1,270 4,551 21 52
2020-06-27 3 2 0 16 34 95 263 550 807 959 1,112 3,841 21 54
2020-06-20 0 1 0 11 33 103 240 522 765 962 1,210 3,847 20 56
2020-06-13 1 0 1 7 51 102 259 585 875 1,061 1,288 4,230 21 56
2020-06-06 1 2 0 6 42 105 298 593 1,082 1,269 1,658 5,056 21 58
2020-05-30 0 1 1 11 39 104 310 717 1,284 1,548 2,155 6,170 21 60
2020-05-23 0 0 0 6 61 115 330 867 1,457 1,869 2,542 7,247 20 61
2020-05-16 1 1 3 12 58 144 420 1,013 1,828 2,339 3,415 9,234 20 62
2020-05-09 2 1 4 19 59 172 462 1,273 2,301 2,916 4,022 11,231 20 62
2020-05-02 1 0 3 13 79 204 516 1,407 2,642 3,501 4,847 13,213 20 63
2020-04-25 2 0 1 23 73 214 701 1,757 3,066 4,216 5,497 15,550 20 62
2020-04-18 0 0 0 17 120 284 797 2,029 3,577 4,654 5,721 17,199 21 60
2020-04-11 1 1 2 25 111 309 851 2,191 3,655 4,439 4,732 16,317 22 56
2020-04-04 1 0 0 14 117 269 701 1,477 2,366 2,687 2,494 10,126 23 51
2020-03-28 2 0 1 6 44 116 248 471 719 845 762 3,214 22 50
2020-03-21 0 1 1 1 5 19 42 69 143 161 146 588 24 52
2020-03-14 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 6 17 16 18 60 28 57
2020-03-07 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 11 7 12 37 30 51
2020-02-29 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 9 22 33
2020-02-22 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 6 17 50
2020-02-15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 50
2020-02-08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
2020-02-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Survival (aka Recovery3) Rates1, (known outcomes) Recent 4 weeks

From CDC Surveillance system covid case reports published after end of month with cases thru 2 weeks prior. See weekly table below for dates included. Missing age2

Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 83,197 768 10 3 0.92% 0.01% 99.988% 99.97% 0.0025%
10 - 19 128,618 884 32 16 0.69% 0.02% 99.975% 99.94% 0.0052%
20 - 29 178,549 2,390 151 99 1.34% 0.08% 99.915% 99.81% 0.0177%
30 - 39 166,569 3,955 376 232 2.37% 0.23% 99.774% 99.50% 0.0471%
40 - 49 128,050 4,755 752 492 3.71% 0.59% 99.413% 98.69% 0.1227%
50 - 59 103,628 6,178 1,341 840 5.96% 1.29% 98.706% 97.11% 0.2703%
60 - 69 71,252 6,748 2,030 1,346 9.47% 2.85% 97.151% 93.65% 0.5950%
70 - 79 38,925 5,998 2,251 1,524 15.41% 5.78% 94.217% 87.10% 1.2076%
80+ 20,253 5,065 2,610 1,618 25.01% 12.89% 87.113% 71.26% 2.6910%
All ages 920,040 36,753 9,553 6,170 3.99% 1.04% 98.962% 97.68% 0.2168%
...prior 4 weeks
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 21,657 345 6 4 1.59% 0.03% 99.972% 99.94% 0.0058%
10 - 19 39,510 396 12 6 1.00% 0.03% 99.970% 99.93% 0.0064%
20 - 29 63,279 1,264 66 34 2.00% 0.10% 99.896% 99.77% 0.0220%
30 - 39 56,632 2,060 203 143 3.64% 0.36% 99.642% 99.19% 0.0755%
40 - 49 42,146 2,367 410 285 5.62% 0.97% 99.027% 97.81% 0.2049%
50 - 59 34,989 3,135 757 504 8.96% 2.16% 97.836% 95.13% 0.4557%
60 - 69 23,108 3,244 1,112 791 14.04% 4.81% 95.188% 89.17% 1.0136%
70 - 79 12,269 2,634 1,168 833 21.47% 9.52% 90.480% 78.59% 2.0051%
80+ 6,389 1,972 1,237 791 30.87% 19.36% 80.639% 56.44% 4.0783%
All ages 300,272 17,420 4,971 3,391 5.80% 1.66% 98.345% 96.28% 0.3487%
...from beginning
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 850,432 10,187 225 94 1.20% 0.03% 99.974% 99.95% 0.0046%
10 - 19 1,899,546 15,610 505 216 0.82% 0.03% 99.973% 99.95% 0.0045%
20 - 29 3,016,715 47,643 2,795 1,307 1.58% 0.09% 99.907% 99.84% 0.0148%
30 - 39 2,644,917 72,312 6,968 3,919 2.73% 0.26% 99.737% 99.55% 0.0421%
40 - 49 2,367,895 98,547 16,692 10,186 4.16% 0.70% 99.295% 98.81% 0.1117%
50 - 59 2,279,069 157,142 42,565 27,054 6.90% 1.87% 98.132% 96.86% 0.2944%
60 - 69 1,621,257 203,118 89,751 57,867 12.53% 5.54% 94.464% 90.71% 0.8699%
70 - 79 911,706 205,266 133,194 81,769 22.51% 14.61% 85.391% 75.80% 2.2656%
80+ 689,305 204,593 233,439 112,988 29.68% 33.87% 66.134% 47.04% 4.9585%
All ages 16,297,650 1,014,675 526,177 295,413 6.23% 3.23% 96.771% 94.50% 0.5154%
Survival Rates (best case assumption) Recent

Assume missing death indicator means did not die. Leave off additional 3 weeks to get more outcomes.

Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 52,940 628 7 4 1.19% 0.01% 99.987% 99.97% 0.0028%
10 - 19 93,620 717 12 6 0.77% 0.01% 99.987% 99.97% 0.0027%
20 - 29 152,336 2,401 95 56 1.58% 0.06% 99.938% 99.86% 0.0131%
30 - 39 139,033 3,903 259 180 2.81% 0.19% 99.814% 99.58% 0.0392%
40 - 49 104,554 4,538 537 373 4.34% 0.51% 99.486% 98.85% 0.1079%
50 - 59 85,552 5,779 1,001 663 6.75% 1.17% 98.830% 97.37% 0.2459%
60 - 69 56,074 6,004 1,449 1,032 10.71% 2.58% 97.416% 94.20% 0.5431%
70 - 79 28,947 4,864 1,478 1,052 16.80% 5.11% 94.894% 88.54% 1.0731%
80+ 14,448 3,551 1,624 1,043 24.58% 11.24% 88.760% 74.77% 2.3626%
All ages 740,648 32,530 6,462 4,409 4.39% 0.87% 99.128% 98.04% 0.1834%
...prior 4 weeks (best case assumption)
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 22,617 345 4 1 1.53% 0.02% 99.982% 99.96% 0.0038%
10 - 19 42,319 454 12 4 1.07% 0.03% 99.972% 99.94% 0.0060%
20 - 29 63,135 1,316 47 23 2.08% 0.07% 99.926% 99.83% 0.0158%
30 - 39 58,008 2,086 109 60 3.60% 0.19% 99.812% 99.57% 0.0399%
40 - 49 46,641 2,296 234 148 4.92% 0.50% 99.498% 98.86% 0.1064%
50 - 59 41,758 3,176 497 314 7.61% 1.19% 98.810% 97.30% 0.2524%
60 - 69 27,372 3,203 748 499 11.70% 2.73% 97.267% 93.81% 0.5795%
70 - 79 14,339 2,634 760 490 18.37% 5.30% 94.700% 87.99% 1.1241%
80+ 8,220 1,991 945 555 24.22% 11.50% 88.504% 73.96% 2.4381%
All ages 327,139 17,505 3,356 2,094 5.35% 1.03% 98.974% 97.68% 0.2176%
...from beginning (best case assumption)
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 1,376,567 14,152 216 91 1.03% 0.02% 99.984% 99.97% 0.0027%
10 - 19 3,193,762 23,026 477 202 0.72% 0.01% 99.985% 99.97% 0.0025%
20 - 29 5,315,801 70,956 2,685 1,235 1.33% 0.05% 99.949% 99.91% 0.0081%
30 - 39 4,645,632 104,832 6,675 3,742 2.26% 0.14% 99.856% 99.75% 0.0230%
40 - 49 4,165,930 139,557 16,131 9,828 3.35% 0.39% 99.613% 99.34% 0.0617%
50 - 59 4,021,962 218,283 41,576 26,445 5.43% 1.03% 98.966% 98.24% 0.1644%
60 - 69 2,808,943 274,470 88,257 56,900 9.77% 3.14% 96.858% 94.67% 0.4987%
70 - 79 1,516,714 266,559 131,442 80,590 17.57% 8.67% 91.334% 85.45% 1.3621%
80+ 1,054,119 249,724 231,427 111,753 23.69% 21.95% 78.045% 65.00% 3.2774%
All ages 28,312,126 1,362,273 518,929 290,799 4.81% 1.83% 98.167% 96.85% 0.2947%

Compare Survival Rates of those with and without co-morbidities
Note, most cases do not have the co-morbidity field filled, so cannot compare counts, however the internal rates (%'s) within an age group may be a good sample. Compare only the %'s.
Survival Rates of cases without comorbidities. Recent
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 4,794 63 0 0 1.31% 0.00% 100.000% 100.00% 0.0000%
10 - 19 7,228 64 2 1 0.89% 0.03% 99.972% 99.94% 0.0058%
20 - 29 10,924 227 5 4 2.08% 0.05% 99.954% 99.90% 0.0096%
30 - 39 9,676 343 19 15 3.54% 0.20% 99.804% 99.56% 0.0413%
40 - 49 6,920 350 32 19 5.06% 0.46% 99.538% 98.96% 0.0972%
50 - 59 5,151 410 59 43 7.96% 1.15% 98.855% 97.43% 0.2407%
60 - 69 3,071 418 82 62 13.61% 2.67% 97.330% 94.01% 0.5612%
70 - 79 1,411 266 79 61 18.85% 5.60% 94.401% 87.43% 1.1767%
80+ 611 169 83 61 27.66% 13.58% 86.416% 69.51% 2.8549%
...prior 4 weeks
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 2,011 35 0 0 1.74% 0.00% 100.000% 100.00% 0.0000%
10 - 19 3,131 46 2 2 1.47% 0.06% 99.936% 99.86% 0.0135%
20 - 29 3,939 115 1 0 2.92% 0.03% 99.975% 99.94% 0.0054%
30 - 39 3,701 165 6 4 4.46% 0.16% 99.838% 99.63% 0.0344%
40 - 49 2,624 159 12 10 6.06% 0.46% 99.543% 98.96% 0.0970%
50 - 59 1,826 160 17 13 8.76% 0.93% 99.069% 97.89% 0.1974%
60 - 69 1,111 139 36 29 12.51% 3.24% 96.760% 92.66% 0.6871%
70 - 79 464 85 15 12 18.32% 3.23% 96.767% 92.68% 0.6855%
80+ 186 69 28 18 37.10% 15.05% 84.946% 65.91% 3.1920%
...from beginning
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 112,417 1,244 17 13 1.11% 0.02% 99.985% 99.97% 0.0025%
10 - 19 267,311 1,730 21 11 0.65% 0.01% 99.992% 99.99% 0.0012%
20 - 29 376,387 4,714 91 49 1.25% 0.02% 99.976% 99.96% 0.0036%
30 - 39 299,801 6,082 206 113 2.03% 0.07% 99.931% 99.89% 0.0103%
40 - 49 246,386 6,396 420 270 2.60% 0.17% 99.830% 99.73% 0.0256%
50 - 59 197,754 7,841 846 578 3.97% 0.43% 99.572% 99.31% 0.0645%
60 - 69 116,733 7,802 1,484 958 6.68% 1.27% 98.729% 97.90% 0.1966%
70 - 79 47,242 6,179 2,085 1,277 13.08% 4.41% 95.587% 92.60% 0.6932%
80+ 22,167 4,778 3,550 1,598 21.55% 16.01% 83.985% 73.90% 2.4438%
Survival Rates of cases with co-morbidity(s) Recent
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 1,513 46 1 1 3.04% 0.07% 99.934% 99.85% 0.0139%
10 - 19 2,659 64 0 0 2.41% 0.00% 100.000% 100.00% 0.0000%
20 - 29 4,766 214 8 8 4.49% 0.17% 99.832% 99.62% 0.0353%
30 - 39 5,227 374 28 28 7.16% 0.54% 99.464% 98.80% 0.1126%
40 - 49 5,158 556 85 77 10.78% 1.65% 98.352% 96.30% 0.3464%
50 - 59 5,433 759 128 109 13.97% 2.36% 97.644% 94.71% 0.4952%
60 - 69 4,529 929 212 191 20.51% 4.68% 95.319% 89.49% 0.9839%
70 - 79 2,952 801 238 206 27.13% 8.06% 91.938% 81.90% 1.6946%
80+ 1,363 551 209 173 40.43% 15.33% 84.666% 65.58% 3.2229%
...prior 4 weeks
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 610 23 0 0 3.77% 0.00% 100.000% 100.00% 0.0000%
10 - 19 1,160 42 1 0 3.62% 0.09% 99.914% 99.80% 0.0183%
20 - 29 1,750 111 6 4 6.34% 0.34% 99.657% 99.22% 0.0727%
30 - 39 1,996 211 15 11 10.57% 0.75% 99.248% 98.30% 0.1594%
40 - 49 2,230 318 35 30 14.26% 1.57% 98.430% 96.45% 0.3328%
50 - 59 2,428 477 68 56 19.65% 2.80% 97.199% 93.66% 0.5940%
60 - 69 2,038 541 125 112 26.55% 6.13% 93.867% 86.11% 1.3007%
70 - 79 1,328 500 118 98 37.65% 8.89% 91.114% 79.87% 1.8846%
80+ 716 348 129 100 48.60% 18.02% 81.983% 59.18% 3.8217%
...from beginning
Age Group Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp
0 - 9 34,443 1,179 29 20 3.42% 0.08% 99.916% 99.86% 0.0135%
10 - 19 94,332 2,329 53 43 2.47% 0.06% 99.944% 99.91% 0.0088%
20 - 29 164,118 8,640 331 251 5.26% 0.20% 99.798% 99.69% 0.0289%
30 - 39 184,350 15,187 1,069 881 8.24% 0.58% 99.420% 99.11% 0.0829%
40 - 49 229,251 24,982 2,778 2,363 10.90% 1.21% 98.788% 98.16% 0.1724%
50 - 59 292,642 45,363 7,824 6,775 15.50% 2.67% 97.326% 95.96% 0.3784%
60 - 69 271,979 63,774 17,711 15,227 23.45% 6.51% 93.488% 90.13% 0.9246%
70 - 79 181,157 64,732 26,315 21,632 35.73% 14.53% 85.474% 78.15% 2.0459%
80+ 136,580 59,994 44,237 29,459 43.93% 32.39% 67.611% 54.16% 4.2920%
Survival Rate by week
Week Rptd Cases Hosp Deaths Dth with Hosp Hosp % Death % Recover % Estm Sick Rcv% D% w estm asymp Known outcome Recover % Known outcome Death% Known outcome Cases Dth / Hosp %d at Home Dth% with Hosp
08/15 0 0 0 0 99.382% 0.62% 275,214
08/08 0 0 0 0 98.888% 1.11% 249,372
08/01 0 0 0 0 98.761% 1.24% 223,723
07/25 296,554 11,770 2,305 1,556 3.97% 0.78% 99.223% 98.26% 0.1630% 98.658% 1.34% 171,731 0.20 32% 13.22%
07/18 195,572 8,726 1,793 1,209 4.46% 0.92% 99.083% 97.94% 0.1927% 98.366% 1.63% 109,733 0.21 33% 13.86%
07/11 145,715 6,690 1,373 963 4.59% 0.94% 99.058% 97.88% 0.1983% 98.394% 1.61% 85,502 0.21 30% 14.39%
07/04 102,807 5,344 991 681 5.20% 0.96% 99.036% 97.83% 0.2034% 98.284% 1.72% 57,736 0.19 31% 12.74%
06/27 82,404 4,389 814 538 5.33% 0.99% 99.012% 97.77% 0.2089% 98.279% 1.72% 47,301 0.19 34% 12.26%
06/20 81,665 4,151 746 473 5.08% 0.91% 99.087% 97.93% 0.1936% 98.192% 1.81% 41,255 0.18 37% 11.39%
06/13 87,604 4,382 929 543 5.00% 1.06% 98.940% 97.60% 0.2252% 97.733% 2.27% 40,984 0.21 42% 12.39%
06/06 75,466 4,583 867 540 6.07% 1.15% 98.851% 97.39% 0.2444% 97.773% 2.23% 38,937 0.19 38% 11.78%
05/30 99,785 5,402 1,035 620 5.41% 1.04% 98.963% 97.64% 0.2210% 98.018% 1.98% 52,209 0.19 40% 11.48%
05/23 141,503 6,616 1,351 804 4.68% 0.95% 99.045% 97.83% 0.2036% 97.988% 2.01% 67,142 0.20 40% 12.15%
05/16 215,068 7,608 1,635 961 3.54% 0.76% 99.240% 98.27% 0.1622% 98.152% 1.85% 88,455 0.21 41% 12.63%
05/09 274,402 9,053 2,580 1,239 3.30% 0.94% 99.060% 97.86% 0.2006% 97.552% 2.45% 105,413 0.28 52% 13.69%
05/02 271,642 10,758 2,505 1,445 3.96% 0.92% 99.078% 97.90% 0.1968% 98.093% 1.91% 131,346 0.23 42% 13.43%
04/25 324,924 12,332 2,873 1,667 3.80% 0.88% 99.116% 97.98% 0.1887% 98.264% 1.74% 165,536 0.23 42% 13.52%
04/18 357,512 13,402 3,050 1,825 3.75% 0.85% 99.147% 98.05% 0.1822% 98.272% 1.73% 176,494 0.23 40% 13.62%
04/11 373,483 14,402 3,138 1,898 3.86% 0.84% 99.160% 98.08% 0.1796% 98.374% 1.63% 193,032 0.22 40% 13.18%
04/04 368,124 13,622 3,006 1,864 3.70% 0.82% 99.183% 98.14% 0.1745% 98.386% 1.61% 186,245 0.22 38% 13.68%
03/28 397,807 13,515 3,080 1,821 3.40% 0.77% 99.226% 98.23% 0.1657% 98.414% 1.59% 194,199 0.23 41% 13.47%
03/21 457,469 13,819 3,545 1,846 3.02% 0.77% 99.225% 98.22% 0.1663% 98.188% 1.81% 195,627 0.26 48% 13.36%
03/14 345,821 12,491 2,984 1,742 3.61% 0.86% 99.137% 98.02% 0.1852% 98.234% 1.77% 169,000 0.24 42% 13.95%
03/07 351,838 12,024 2,947 1,728 3.42% 0.84% 99.162% 98.08% 0.1797% 98.167% 1.83% 160,800 0.25 41% 14.37%
02/28 360,801 12,721 3,572 2,036 3.53% 0.99% 99.010% 97.74% 0.2119% 97.913% 2.09% 171,158 0.28 43% 16.01%
02/21 371,169 14,013 4,213 2,504 3.78% 1.14% 98.865% 97.41% 0.2421% 97.774% 2.23% 189,276 0.30 41% 17.87%
02/14 454,669 16,891 5,294 3,068 3.72% 1.16% 98.836% 97.37% 0.2463% 97.718% 2.28% 231,978 0.31 42% 18.16%
02/07 531,374 20,781 7,221 4,203 3.91% 1.36% 98.641% 96.96% 0.2842% 97.502% 2.50% 289,115 0.35 42% 20.23%
01/31 756,591 25,506 9,484 5,334 3.37% 1.25% 98.746% 97.20% 0.2617% 97.606% 2.39% 396,118 0.37 44% 20.91%
01/24 834,560 29,941 12,043 6,711 3.59% 1.44% 98.557% 96.79% 0.3007% 97.394% 2.61% 462,169 0.40 44% 22.41%
01/17 1,047,001 36,668 15,569 8,780 3.50% 1.49% 98.513% 96.74% 0.3057% 97.337% 2.66% 584,638 0.42 44% 23.94%
01/10 1,367,969 42,611 18,798 10,296 3.11% 1.37% 98.626% 97.04% 0.2774% 97.497% 2.50% 751,029 0.44 45% 24.16%
01/03 1,267,115 44,749 20,254 11,125 3.53% 1.60% 98.402% 96.61% 0.3179% 97.216% 2.78% 727,601 0.45 45% 24.86%
12/27 1,091,638 42,115 19,228 10,338 3.86% 1.76% 98.239% 96.35% 0.3414% 96.921% 3.08% 624,466 0.46 46% 24.55%
12/20 1,112,756 41,719 20,384 10,469 3.75% 1.83% 98.168% 96.35% 0.3416% 96.900% 3.10% 657,609 0.49 49% 25.09%
12/13 1,161,268 43,475 19,993 10,138 3.74% 1.72% 98.278% 96.73% 0.3065% 96.967% 3.03% 659,101 0.46 49% 23.32%
12/06 1,175,861 45,005 19,236 9,481 3.83% 1.64% 98.364% 97.02% 0.2792% 96.996% 3.00% 640,401 0.43 51% 21.07%
11/29 932,264 39,565 16,942 8,227 4.24% 1.82% 98.183% 96.80% 0.2994% 96.623% 3.38% 501,661 0.43 51% 20.79%
11/22 981,679 38,088 15,828 7,574 3.88% 1.61% 98.388% 97.22% 0.2601% 96.916% 3.08% 513,236 0.42 52% 19.89%
11/15 883,511 33,736 13,587 6,640 3.82% 1.54% 98.462% 97.40% 0.2438% 97.093% 2.91% 467,364 0.40 51% 19.68%
11/08 745,747 28,815 11,375 5,588 3.86% 1.53% 98.475% 97.45% 0.2383% 97.124% 2.88% 395,530 0.39 51% 19.39%
11/01 562,590 22,717 8,852 4,261 4.04% 1.57% 98.427% 97.41% 0.2425% 96.886% 3.11% 284,221 0.39 52% 18.76%
10/25 492,536 19,366 7,473 3,599 3.93% 1.52% 98.483% 97.54% 0.2303% 96.786% 3.21% 232,538 0.39 52% 18.58%
10/18 378,964 16,938 6,220 3,106 4.47% 1.64% 98.359% 97.38% 0.2452% 96.898% 3.10% 200,524 0.37 50% 18.34%
10/11 312,063 15,126 5,234 2,749 4.85% 1.68% 98.323% 97.36% 0.2476% 97.073% 2.93% 178,814 0.35 47% 18.17%
10/04 283,074 13,271 4,644 2,360 4.69% 1.64% 98.359% 97.44% 0.2393% 97.109% 2.89% 160,624 0.35 49% 17.78%
09/27 267,817 11,422 4,283 2,043 4.26% 1.60% 98.401% 97.54% 0.2303% 97.030% 2.97% 144,191 0.37 52% 17.89%
09/20 247,627 10,301 3,765 1,887 4.16% 1.52% 98.480% 97.69% 0.2165% 97.315% 2.68% 140,235 0.37 50% 18.32%
09/13 202,757 9,260 3,401 1,793 4.57% 1.68% 98.323% 97.49% 0.2355% 97.183% 2.82% 120,710 0.37 47% 19.36%
09/06 206,069 9,464 3,546 1,798 4.59% 1.72% 98.279% 97.46% 0.2378% 97.150% 2.85% 124,416 0.37 49% 19.00%
08/30 229,139 10,057 3,990 2,000 4.39% 1.74% 98.259% 97.48% 0.2360% 97.046% 2.95% 135,058 0.40 50% 19.89%
08/23 261,842 11,532 4,803 2,336 4.40% 1.83% 98.166% 97.43% 0.2405% 96.561% 3.44% 139,647 0.42 51% 20.26%
08/16 240,999 12,879 4,939 2,548 5.34% 2.05% 97.951% 97.25% 0.2571% 96.556% 3.44% 143,400 0.38 48% 19.78%
08/09 245,738 13,712 5,052 2,892 5.58% 2.06% 97.944% 97.39% 0.2447% 96.609% 3.39% 148,990 0.37 43% 21.09%
08/02 281,789 15,999 5,783 3,217 5.68% 2.05% 97.948% 97.53% 0.2309% 96.584% 3.42% 169,306 0.36 44% 20.11%
07/26 300,327 17,598 6,194 3,494 5.86% 2.06% 97.938% 97.66% 0.2193% 96.615% 3.39% 182,980 0.35 44% 19.85%
07/19 343,020 20,119 6,802 3,987 5.87% 1.98% 98.017% 97.83% 0.2027% 96.749% 3.25% 209,224 0.34 41% 19.82%
07/12 340,882 20,225 6,318 3,913 5.93% 1.85% 98.147% 98.02% 0.1852% 97.087% 2.91% 216,909 0.31 38% 19.35%
07/05 297,509 18,207 5,193 3,247 6.12% 1.75% 98.255% 98.16% 0.1720% 97.313% 2.69% 193,249 0.29 37% 17.83%
06/28 270,248 15,439 4,490 2,725 5.71% 1.66% 98.339% 98.27% 0.1620% 97.524% 2.48% 181,355 0.29 39% 17.65%
06/21 239,093 13,315 3,849 2,346 5.57% 1.61% 98.390% 98.34% 0.1554% 97.455% 2.54% 151,253 0.29 39% 17.62%
06/14 164,347 11,087 3,407 1,911 6.75% 2.07% 97.927% 97.89% 0.1980% 96.903% 3.10% 109,992 0.31 44% 17.24%
06/07 144,220 10,985 3,807 2,080 7.62% 2.64% 97.360% 97.33% 0.2500% 96.099% 3.90% 97,596 0.35 45% 18.93%
05/31 145,863 11,198 4,444 2,323 7.68% 3.05% 96.953% 96.95% 0.2853% 95.184% 4.82% 92,280 0.40 48% 20.74%
05/24 157,415 12,498 5,378 2,777 7.94% 3.42% 96.584% 96.58% 0.3199% 94.518% 5.48% 98,111 0.43 48% 22.22%
05/17 164,840 14,310 6,857 3,392 8.68% 4.16% 95.840% 95.84% 0.3895% 93.035% 6.97% 98,449 0.48 51% 23.70%
05/10 161,368 16,488 8,211 4,100 10.22% 5.09% 94.912% 94.91% 0.4764% 91.681% 8.32% 98,698 0.50 50% 24.87%
05/03 185,428 20,949 11,713 5,691 11.30% 6.32% 93.683% 93.68% 0.5915% 89.408% 10.59% 110,583 0.56 51% 27.17%
04/26 186,004 25,636 14,500 7,701 13.78% 7.80% 92.204% 92.20% 0.7299% 86.656% 13.34% 108,667 0.57 47% 30.04%
04/19 179,350 31,194 17,117 9,899 17.39% 9.54% 90.456% 90.46% 0.8936% 83.890% 16.11% 106,254 0.55 42% 31.73%
04/12 187,004 38,640 20,225 13,057 20.66% 10.82% 89.185% 89.18% 1.0127% 81.936% 18.06% 111,966 0.52 35% 33.79%
04/05 184,687 41,583 17,876 13,116 22.52% 9.68% 90.321% 90.32% 0.9063% 84.056% 15.94% 112,115 0.43 27% 31.54%
03/29 152,544 37,561 12,800 10,482 24.62% 8.39% 91.609% 91.61% 0.7857% 86.371% 13.63% 93,915 0.34 18% 27.91%
03/22 112,515 26,073 6,866 6,008 23.17% 6.10% 93.898% 93.90% 0.5714% 90.344% 9.66% 71,103 0.26 12% 23.04%
03/15 40,679 10,119 2,405 2,158 24.88% 5.91% 94.088% 94.09% 0.5536% 91.565% 8.44% 28,511 0.24 10% 21.33%
03/08 8,436 2,697 669 615 31.97% 7.93% 92.070% 92.07% 0.7425% 88.589% 11.41% 5,863 0.25 8% 22.80%
03/01 3,248 1,083 271 248 33.34% 8.34% 91.656% 91.66% 0.7812% 87.126% 12.87% 2,105 0.25 8% 22.90%
02/23 1,155 389 110 105 33.68% 9.52% 90.476% 90.48% 0.8917% 82.946% 17.05% 645 0.28 5% 26.99%
02/16 771 253 70 65 32.81% 9.08% 90.921% 90.92% 0.8501% 82.885% 17.11% 409 0.28 7% 25.69%
02/09 607 197 53 49 32.45% 8.73% 91.269% 91.27% 0.8176% 80.443% 19.56% 271 0.27 8% 24.87%
02/02 816 260 74 68 31.86% 9.07% 90.931% 90.93% 0.8491% 87.372% 12.63% 586 0.28 8% 26.15%
01/26 661 201 72 65 30.41% 10.89% 89.107% 89.11% 1.0199% 83.099% 16.90% 426 0.36 10% 32.34%
01/19 598 156 46 40 26.09% 7.69% 92.308% 92.31% 0.7203% 87.115% 12.89% 357 0.29 13% 25.64%
01/12 650 161 50 41 24.77% 7.69% 92.308% 92.31% 0.7203% 88.290% 11.71% 427 0.31 18% 25.47%
01/05 1,699 130 509 32 7.65% 29.96% 70.041% 70.04% 2.8051% 58.985% 41.02% 1,241 3.92 94% 24.62%
All 28,312,126 1,362,273 518,929 290,799 4.81% 1.83% 98.167% 96.85% 0.2947% 96.771% 3.23% 16,297,650 0.38 44% 21.35%

  1. Note on columns in the survivability tables:
    1a. To keep things simple and not to get too far afield in estimating, the calculated estimate of "recoverability w asymp considered" (R% w estm asymp), assumes same asymptomatic to sick ratio amongst those that get the virus across the board, specifically but maybe not correctly, across all age groups. I, epidemi-logically thinking this through, think the whole viral spectrum distribution, including % asymptomatic cases at the various ages, is skewed more asymptomatic in the groups that get less sick and less death in general from this virus, i.e. younger groups. So without numbers to the contrary (which I have not found yet) I would take the R% w estm asymp with a grain of salt and assume that it is less likely older people will have an asymptomatic case if they get this.
    1b. Estm Sick Rcv% - is also an estimate based on the reported cases / "sick cases" current ratio, which casts hospital cases back to a deemed sick number assuming that hosp/sick is a viral constant. That ratio was calculated for this dashboard from data early on when reported == sick. Again though, would think that the distribution ratio of sick to hospital, as with asymptomatic, is skewed higher in the groups that have less death per cases.
    1c. The rest of the columns in the survivalbility tables are not esimtates, namely they are calculated directly from the CDC data.
  2. Some records had missing age. Therefore the counts are not in the age categories but were included in the "All" row.
  3. Recovery is considered, not dying in the literature and talking points. Not sure myself though these are exactly the same. Namely, that one may survive, but the toll on one's health otherwise may linger long after or be permanent. No ones knows for sure and that is the point of this note. If one wants to err on the side of caution in uncertain situations, try to avoid getting sick, especially the elderly.
  4. To get excess death comparisons, compare each week after 3/14 to its corresponding week in 2019. As we move into 2nd year, it reuses counts from 2019 weeks as needed for comparing to weeks in 2021.

Informed layman's viewpoint. See "About>About" for descriptions and information. Estimates and data smoothing are used to present coherent numbers from period to period. Informational only. Should not be relied upon as your sole source for decision making.