States with >10% increase in deaths in last 3 weeks

7dD/100k is recent 7 days death count annualized. Compare to D/100K in 2017 table.

State 7dD/100k cur 7dD 3wk min +/-% Dflgs
Rhode Island 354 72 11 554.5% HAAE
Arizona 178 249 132 88.6% JAAA
Mississippi 147 84 68 23.5% AAAA
New Hampshire 107 28 17 64.7% HHHA
Alabama 94 88 56 57.1% AAAA
Virginia 73 119 75 58.7% A...
South Carolina 67 66 38 73.7% AA.A
Florida 65 267 228 17.1% AAAA
Arkansas 57 33 25 32.0% AA..
-fyi- US: 58 3,728 4,127 -9.7% AAAA
2017 Death Rates from CDC
Cause D/100k Avg 7d #in 2017 pct
Heart Disease 198 12,416 647,457 23.0%
Neoplasms/tumor 183 11,489 599,108 21.3%
Accidents 52 3,259 169,936 6.0%
Chronic Lung 49 3,072 160,201 5.7%
Cerebrovascular 44 2,807 146,383 5.2%
Alzheimer 37 2,328 121,404 4.3%
Diabetes 25 1,602 83,564 3.0%
Flu & pneumonia 17 1,067 55,672 2.0%
Sephritis 15 971 50,633 1.8%
Suicide 14 904 47,173 1.7%
Liver disease 12 800 41,743 1.5%
Septicemia 12 784 40,922 1.5%
Hypertension 10 677 35,316 1.3%
Parkinson 9 612 31,963 1.1%
Pneumonitis 6 385 20,108 0.7%
Other 172 10,776 561,920 20.0%
All 863 53,957 2,813,503 100.0%

States with Increasing Covid-19 Death Toll1

States with greater than 10% increase in deaths over last 3 weeks.

(> 1 death per day and 7dD/100K more than accident, 52)

Graphs show the states with the highest deaths per 100K population.

Annualized 7dD/100k
# Deaths in last 7 days (7dD)

History and projections for top 5 states
The projections are of "Sick cases" 2 (max:3) and Deaths.

  1. States above had least 10% increase in deaths in last week compared to the minimum of last 3 weeks and its current 7-day annualized population death rate (7d/100k) is greater than "accident" and there were more than 1 per day.
    1a. Death rate on small counties when deaths are even just 1 or 2 gets to be huge when annualized. To be more realistic use the 3 week average instead of just 7 days for smaller counties. This is done to avoid giving too much weight to a few isolated deaths.
    1b. US projection graph is shown just for reference.
    1c. States shown in order of their current population death rate.

  2. Sick Cases: the reported cases estimated to be roughly equivalent to original make up of cases early on. Early on cases were by and large limited to clinically sick. The estimation is done using current state's hospitalization and deeming an equivalent number of "sick" cases that would match the early on hospitalization rate.

  3. Max Sick Cases: Assuming an average asymptomatic cases/sick cases factor, this is max sick cases before entire population would have been infected.

Informed layman's viewpoint. See "About>About" for descriptions and information. Estimates and data smoothing are used to present coherent numbers from period to period. Informational only. Should not be relied upon as your sole source for decision making.