Covid-19 USA Dashboard: maps, graphs, and risk measures of Covid for country, states and county. Tables and graphs showing trends over time. Hope provides some useful info for you. Thank you for visiting, bysam4us

This site smooths weekly and week-end lump counts into prior missing days and will be updated over the week-end (or more often) for data thru day prior.5
Other data notes1,2,3,4 7 Hospital counts6

Interactive state map may take a few seconds to load...

"Active" - an estimated number of asymptomatic or presymptomatic people in the population based on the number of reported and hospitalized at the moment. Since they are not exhibiting symptoms they likely do not know they are contagious and thus unlikely to be quarantining. This calculation assumes all reported cases (tested positive) actually do quarantine, sick or not. The state's color is indicative of how "hot" it is, i.e. the number of Active spreaders (contagious but not quarantining) per 100 in population.

In "hot" areas, or have been in one recently, if you are unvaccinated and have not had covid yet, masks and distancing are appropriate to protect yourself and others.

Click and find your county! Also see Risk Maps

Projection Tracks (model estimate if we keep doing what we are doing as measured at start of track) EOQ == End of Quarter

The projection uses the rate of change of the active pool and the current death rate from the standardized case count as measured on the start date of each projection track. The death rate is applied to the projected cases. The two dashed lines show what the projection tracks were 7 and 14 days ago. The 14 day line actually has several periods of projection going back 14 days each. The projection starts with actual values then uses simple mathematical model from there assuming no change in behavior, thus no change in the odds of infection except for effect of herd immunuity, which is simulated over time.

The death projection is based on cases and deaths will be reported in the future (see Days2death constant in About>Terminology. Currently 14 in this model).

This measure is not intended as prediction but more to show the past track and be something sensitive and responsive to changes in our collective behavior near-term that affects the virus spread/containment. This way maybe we can have feedback on the effects of what we are doing or not doing, and to earlier see adverse change in our state or county that may require more social distancing diligence, rather than waiting for deaths to get attention.

Covid Dashboard

Welcome to the Covid Dashboard site.

Here you will find various measures and information put together based on current and recent changes in daily numbers including:

  • Overall measures of the virus for the United States as a whole over the last 90 days
  • Measures and assessments for the US over the last 3 weeks
  • Measures and assessments for each state over the last 3 weeks
  • Risk Maps showing one's personal risk in going out and about. The maps show all the counties in the US, with pop ups with more information on current and prior 3 weeks of status.
    • Hot: shows an estimate of the current active (not quarantined) infection per population
    • DeathRisk: show current annualized death rate per 100K population.
      This is current death count annualized so to be comparable with published yearly deaths by various causes.
  • Measures and assessments of each county.
    These can be found by hovering over the county in the "Risk Maps". Or, in table form under "Counties"
  • "Counties" has more detailed county level statistics for your personal information and use.

First time here? want to know why this site came about...

Wondering about current risk?:

  • Vaccination status is primary factor in determining risk at this point. If fully vaccinated, there seems to be less risk of getting the virus (or at least less risk the virus can take hold to extent where noticed) and very little to no risk having a severe outcome if one does get a case.
  • For the unvaccinated, age and health are factors. For some stats by age see Graphs>...age
  • For estimate of level of circulating infection by county: see RiskMaps>Hot
  • Numbers and other info by county, state: see Counties

CDC Deciding to go out, has link to guidance for fully vaccinated people and if you are not vaccinated, a link to find a vaccine.

Important Note/Disclaimer: This website was built from an informed layman viewpoint. It is not advice. It uses mathematical calculations, ballpark models and estimates to present coherent numbers over time in a meaningful way and to show current local status and relative progress, or not... Although, the measures and models may be only "in the ballpark" in absolute terms, it is good showing near-term relative change.

US Overall

Last 90 days

Estimate of Active (Asymptomatic) Spreaders (Millions)
7 day Death rate per 100K (compare to Accident 52/100k)

Size of the infection pool driving new infections. Estimate of asymptomatic not quarantined.
Assumes all reported cases are quarantining, a 14 day infection period for the asymptomatic, and 3 pre-symptomatic infectious days for confirmed cases.
Daily new

EOQ Death Projection

EOQ Death Projection from Beginning

From the Beginning
Estimate of Active (Asymptomatic) Spreaders (Millions)
7 day Death rate per 100K (compare to Accident 52/100k)

Daily new

  1. June 2021 Florida stopped reporting deaths at county level.
    Nebraska stopped reporting cases and deaths at county level. Around 9/18/21 returned to reporting cases at county level but cases were doubled counted in unassigned as well as the county for some period (maybe a week?). This will skew the calculation of active and other measures at the state level for about 3 or 4 weeks.
  2. 3/11/21 Missouri (MO) moved thousands of unassigned cases to county counts without reflecting original date of the cases in the county. Large anomaly in "Hot" risk map and risk category. State history is ok because that included the unassigned over time. JHU data source indicates that MO may be preparing data to redistribute the cases by date but that has not happened yet.
  3. 3/7/2021 "The Atlantic" discontinued publishing the hospital data used by this dashboard to show current hospitalization and to estimate the percent of "cases" that are equivalent to reported "sick" cases early on. On 3/15/2021 the dashboard switched to newer HHS dataset and back-calc'ed things from 12/1/20 forward. The new data set is only updated weekly but does have daily data in the update, so cur hospitization for current week may be old.
    Also of note, the new data point used to estimate "sick" is more consistent across states than before. There is a discontinuity in the delta sick cases per day at 12/1 which shows up as temporary bump in spread and risk category around 12/1. Going forward the new numbers though are consistent and I think will provide the same or better period to period compares. See History 12/29/20 dashboard to compare to the old calculation for the transition weeks in Dec.
  4. 7/18/2021: Added vaccination percentages in state tables.
  5. Given many states are now reporting weekly and some skipping week-ends, counts of cases and/or deaths that appear after 2 to 7 zero entries are considered a catchup number, and are redistributed equally over to prior zero entries. Also for most recent missing values after weekly catchup, the missing values are filled with the most recent prior per day count increase. Since states are cutting back reporting I have also stopped reporting daily. If anyone though would like daily updates to continue, please drop me an email. See About>About>Contact for email address. Thanks.
  6. 10/12/21 After April 2020 reported cases became misleading due to non-clinical (namely, not driven by virus severity) counts from testing being included. This site switched to hospitalizations. See About>CalculationsNotes>Sick. It has been uncovered recently that the CDC has also (!) allowed hospitalization counts to become ruined for modelling for same reason.... See The Atlantic article: "Our Most Reliable Pandemic Number Is Losing Meaning".This site now uses the factor of .52 in the The Altantic article against the hospital numbers to estimate hospitalizations due to covid, versus having Covid being incidental to going into hospital.
  7. 12/22/21 Maryland had issue reporting numbers for external use for last couple of weeks. Not resolved yet at JHU data source.
  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 Response. Rates of COVID-19 Cases or Deaths by Age Group and Vaccination Status Public Use Data (version date: January 21, 2022). Other info on Omicron by vaccine status, NBC News : Omicron breakthru stats in NY

Informed layman's viewpoint. See "About>About" for descriptions and information. Estimates and data smoothing are used to present coherent numbers from period to period. Informational only. Should not be relied upon as your sole source for decision making.