Current Covid death rate per 100K population3
Map shows current population death rates due to Covid by county in the US. Uses the most recent 7 day1 deaths divided by population in county, then makes it into an annualized number per 100K population. The 2017 overall death rate in the US was 863/100K; for the flu, 17/100K2.

  1. (**) Usually a 7 day current period is used to calculate the current effective annualized deaths/per 100K. For smaller counties, though, just 1 or 2 deaths makes the rate huge. This can be misleading when there are just a few isolated deaths. To avoid giving too much weight to isolated deaths, for counties that are less than 150K, i.e. less than 1.5 x average size, this measure may use the an annualized 3 week (21 day) period instead of the 7d, if it is less. If the death rate persists in smaller county though, that county will show up as a risk in this map, probably within the week, and good chance the county is showing up as "hot" in that risk map.

  2. For comparison to other causes of death, see Graphs>States w increasing Death rate" for death rates of other common causes of deaths.

  3. States no longer reporting county numbers: Florida, Nebraska, Oklahoma, (12/26/21): Kansas, (12/26/26): Maryland not reporting anything for last couple of weeks. All counties show the state's annualized death rate. See State map under Graphs>States...

Informed layman's viewpoint. See "About>About" for descriptions and information. Estimates and data smoothing are used to present coherent numbers from period to period. Informational only. Should not be relied upon as your sole source for decision making.